Prof. Daniel Ahmed (PI)
Curriculum Vitae
Daniel Ahmed is an Assistant Professor of Acoustic Robotics in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich. Currently, he leads the Acoustic Robotic Systems Lab (ARSL), located in the Binnig and Rohrer Nanotechnology Center, and is engaged in pioneering ultrasound robotics for use in life science applications, diagnostics, and translational medicine. Daniel holds Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees in Engineering Science and Mechanics from Pennsylvania State University (U.S.). He has published 39 peer-reviewed journal articles, including original articles in Nature Communication (10) and further articles in Science Advances (2), Nature Machine Intelligence, Science Robotics, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Lab on a Chip, and Analytical Chemistry. In 2019, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant on Acousto-Magnetic Micro/Nanorobots for Biomedical Applications (SONOBOTS); he has also been awarded multiple grants as an independent principal investigator, such as an ETH Zürich Career Seed Grant and an ETH Internal Grant. He evaluates proposals from the European Research Council (ERC), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), and India Alliance - Advancing Discovery & Innovation to Improve. He served as a panel member for the Research Council of Norway (RCN) in Nanotechnology, Microtechnology, and Advanced Materials. In addition, he was selected as one of ten winners of the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year 2021 in Engineering and Technology. Daniel actively engages in patenting numerous discoveries stemming from his research endeavors, with the intention of creating spinoff ventures. Recently, Prof. Ahmed has been nominated for the Dandelion Entrepreneurship Awards at ETH Zurich.
Selected Awards
- 2011 CHEMINAS Young Researcher Poster Award at 15th International Conference on MicroTAS, San Diego, USA. (A prestigious student award in microfluidics worldwide)
- 2013 First Prize Poster Award at Penn State ESM Today Graduate Research Symposium.
- 2014 Innovative Incentive Award, the Pennsylvania State University.
- 2017 ETH Zurich Career Seed Grant for programmable soft complex 3D-shaped particle fabrication using continuous-flow lithography.
- 2019 European Research Council Starting Grant for acousto-magnetic micro/nanorobots for biomedical applications. (SONOBOTS)
- 2021 Winner of the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year in Engineering and Technology.
Selected Publications
- Alexia Del Campo Fonseca, Chaim Glueck, Jeanne Droux, Yann Ferry, Mohamad El Amki*, Daniel Ahmed*, Ultrasound trapping and navigation of microrobots in the mouse brain vasculature, Nature Communications (in press), 2023.
- Yong Deng, Adrian Paskert, Zhiyuan Zhang, Raphael Wittkowski, Daniel Ahmed*, Acoustically Controlled Microrobot Modelled on Spirochete Bacteria, Science Advances (in press), 2023.
- Janiak Janiak, Alexander Doinikov, Daniel Ahmed*, Acoustic microbubble propulsion, train-like assembly and cargo transport, Nature Comm., 14, 4705, 2023.
- Zhiyuan Zhang, Alexander Sukhov, Jens Harting, Paolo Malgaretti, Daniel Ahmed*, Rolling Microswarms along Acoustic Virtual Walls, Nature Communications,13, 7347 (2022), 2022.
- Jan Durrer, Prajwal Agrawal, Ali Ozgul, Nitesh Nama, Stephan C. F. Neuhauss, and Daniel Ahmed*, A robot-assisted acoustofluidic end effector. Nature Communications, 13, 6370 (2022).
- Viktor Jooss, Jan Stephan Bolten, Jörg Huwyler, Daniel Ahmed*, In Vivo Acoustic Manipulation of Microparticles in Zebrafish Embryos, Science Advances 8 (12), eabm2785, 2022. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm2785.
- Cornel Dillinger, Nitesh Nama, Daniel Ahmed*, Starfish-Inspired Ultrasound-Activated Ciliary Bands for Microrobotic Systems, Nature Communications, 12, 6455, 2021.
- Nino F. Läubli, Jan T. Burri, Julian Marquard, Hannes Vogler, Gabriella Mosca, Nadia Vertti-Quintero, Naveen Shamsudhin, Andrew deMello, Ueli Grossniklaus, Daniel Ahmed*, Bradley J. Nelson, 3D Mechanical Characterization of Single Cells and Small Organisms using Acoustic Manipulation and Force Microscopy, Nature Communications, 12, 2583, 2021.
- Daniel Ahmed*, Alexander Sukhov, David Hauri, Dubon Rodrigue, Gian Maranta, Jens Harting & Bradley J. Nelson, Bioinspired acousto-magnetic microswarm robots with upstream motility, Nature Machine Intellegence 3, 116–124, 2021.
- Daniel Ahmed*, T. Baasch, N. Blondel, N. Laubli, J. Dual and B. J. Nelson, Neutrophil-inspired propulsion in a combined acoustic and magnetic field, Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00845-5, 2017.